Ideally, you would always want to make sure that your relationship is one that is actually built to stand the test of time. You are always going to want to ensure that you and your partner are able to overcome whatever differences or challenges that may arise in your relationship. When you are in love with another person, you are always going to show a willingness to tolerate and be patient with whatever shortcomings your partner might have.

You might grow frustrated with one another every so often, and that’s normal. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have a relationship that isn’t meant to last. The key is in being able to stay patient and understanding with one another during these times of turmoil. You are never going to find a perfect partner because there is no such thing as perfect people in this life. However, if you truly want your relationship to work, you need to be able to tolerate these imperfections the best way that you can.

But it also gets to a point wherein you should also be willing to demand what you believe you are truly deserving of. There are just certain traits and behaviors that you or anyone else should never have to tolerate from a partner in a relationship. You need to have the self-respect that you need to defend yourself from terrible individuals who would treat you terribly. Here are a few things that you should never have to tolerate from someone you are in a relationship with:

1. He still flirts with other girls.

If he can’t commit to being with you and only you, then he isn’t a guy who is worth committing to either.

2. He lacks respect and basic manners.

There should never be room for any form of disrespect in a relationship. If he lacks manners, respect, and basic human decency, then it’s likely that he isn’t mature enough to sustain a romantic relationship.

3. He lets you pay for everything.

He is turning you into his own personal cash cow. He’s trying to make it seem like you are the one who is going to be shouldering most of the financial burdens of the relationship. He is treating you like his piggy bank.

4. He doesn’t talk to you about the future.

He doesn’t really try to talk to you about the future of the relationship. When you consult him on future plans, he is a mute. He doesn’t’ engage with you. It shows that he isn’t invested in how your relationship is going to turn out.

5. He spends more time on his friends than on you.

He shows you that you are clearly not a priority to him because he chooses to spend more of his time with his friends than on you. You shouldn’t ever be so willing to prioritize a guy who clearly doesn’t prioritize you in return.

6. He doesn’t take the time to listen to you.

He seems to be the one who is interested in doing all of the talking. It’s as if he is never interested in hearing what you have to say about something. He doesn’t give you any opportunities to talk or express yourself in the relationship.

7. He expects you to make all the compromises.

He is constantly expecting you to make all of the compromises in the relationship. It’s only normal that you sacrifice on a few things here and there in order to keep the relationship alive. However, it’s always a problem whenever you are the ONLY one who is making these sacrifices in the relationship.

8. He acts abusively towards you.

Any kind of abuse should never be tolerated in a romantic relationship. Abuse can come in many forms and it doesn’t always have to be physical. Sometimes, you can be with someone who is mentally and emotionally abusive, and you should never want any part of that.

9. He controls every aspect of your life.

He tries to dictate every single aspect of your life as if you’re virtually incapable of making your own decisions. It hoes to show that you have a guy who doesn’t trust and respect you enough to actually make your own decisions.

10. He demeans and belittles you.

You should never have to tolerate any kind of belittlement in your relationship. The man that you are with should always be trying to lift you up and fatten your ego. He should never be the source or reason for all of your insecurities and self-doubt.

11. He takes you for granted.

And lastly, you are never going to want to be with a guy who is only going to take you for granted. You only want to be with someone who knows and understands your worth. You want to be with a guy who knows just how valuable you truly are.